MCell: A Monte Carlo Simulator of Cellular Microphysiology
Investigation of neurotransmitter diffusion in three-dimensional reconstructions of hippocampal neuropil
In the manuscript titled "Extracellular sheets and tunnels modulate
glutamate diffusion in hippocampal neuropil", published in the Journal of Comparative Neurology, the authors present a reconstruction of the 3D geometry of 180 cubic microns
of rat CA1 hippocampal neuropil from serial electron microscopy and
corrected for tissue shrinkage. The reconstruction revealed an
interconnected network of tunnels, formed at the junction of three
or more cellular processes, spanned by sheets between pairs of cell
surfaces. Tunnels tended to occur around synapses and axons and
sheets were enriched around astrocytes. Simulations suggested that
the rate of diffusion of neurotransmitter was slower in sheets than
in tunnels.
The following bzipped tar files contain the EM images, traces, 3D
reconstructions, and software described in the manuscript. For more
details about how the data was collected and the reconstructions
were created, please refer to the manuscript
To extract the contents of tar file file.tar.bz2 , issue the command tar xvfj file.tar.bz2 which will create a folder named file
in the current directory.
EM Images
em_image_stack.tar.bz2 contains the EM images (.jpg) and the
manually-traced contours of the cell processes in the images (Volumejosef.).
reconstructions.tar.bz2 contains the surface meshes of the 3D
reconstructions illustrated in Figure 2B-H in the manuscript. The
mesh file is assumed to be in the Hughes Hoppe mesh file format
which first psts the location of all vertices followed by a pst
of faces that reference the vertices. Vertices are specified by a
vertex index i and three coordinate positions; x, y, z: [Vertex i
x y z]. Faces are specified by a face index j and three vertex
indices; v1, v2, v3: [Face j v1 v2 v3]. All indices are positive
integers larger than zero. For more information, see Chapter III,
Section 2 of Kinney (2009)
meshmorph contains the source code for a program used
to manipulate reconstructed surfaces. This custom program written
in c++ accepts a reconstructed surface as input. The program models
the surface as a system of interconnected springs and and manipulates
the location of the surface on the nanometer scale to reduce the
potential energy of the springs. In this way, the program was used
to control the morphlogy of the extracellular space. For documentation
of the program see Chapter II, Section 1.F of Kinney (2009)
You can checkout a copy with git clone git://
Static files: meshmorph.tar.bz2
meshalyzer contains the source code for a mesh analysis
program. This custom program written in c++ accepts a reconstructed
surface as input, analyzes the geometry of the surface, and prints
a summary report. For documentation of the program see Chapter 3
of Kinney (2009)
You can checkout a copy with git clone git://
Static files: meshalyzer.tar.bz2
1Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Salk Institute for Biological Studies,
La Jolla, CA 92037, USA 2Charles University Prague, Faculty of Medicine,
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic 3Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, University of California at San Diego,
La Jolla, CA 92093-0374, USA 4Computational Visualization Center, Department of Computer Sciences,
University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA 5Center for Learning and Memory, Department of Neurobiology,
University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-0805, USA 6Division of Biological Sciences, University of California at San Diego,
La Jolla, CA 92093, USA